Steve embarked on his career in financial services in 2006, a path that followed a successful tenure in the aviation industry. However, it was a deeply personal experience that propelled him into the world of financial professionals. Witnessing his own parents lose their hard-earned pension in the wake of a major US airline's bankruptcy filing following the tragic events of September 11th, 2001, Steve was profoundly impacted. Their sudden financial devastation and reliance solely on social security inspired him to dedicate his life to helping others secure their financial futures.
Steve firmly believes that long-term investment success hinges more on an investor's behavior than the specific investments they choose. Moreover, he understands that the quality (or absence) of financial advice profoundly influences that behavior. As an advocate, coach, and counselor for his clients, Steve takes pride in assisting them in setting clear financial goals, monitoring progress, and making informed adjustments along the way.
Guided by this philosophy, Steve works tirelessly to empower his clients to craft a retirement that promises independence, dignity, and the preservation of their desired lifestyles.
Born and raised in the picturesque state of Colorado, Steve made his way to Arizona in 2006. He currently resides in Mesa alongside his devoted wife, with whom he has shared 11 blissful years. Together, they cherish their roles as proud parents to energetic twin daughters. During their leisure moments, the family indulges in their shared passions for travel, music, culinary delights, and outdoor adventures.
Steve's commitment to his clients is unwavering:
He crafts a meticulously tailored Financial Roadmap through a collaborative effort, aligning information with individual goals.
He maintains regular contact, connecting with clients on a quarterly basis to update financial information, discuss account progress, and foster lasting relationships.
Steve offers solutions rooted in goal-oriented investing.
He provides access to a network of esteemed local professionals, including accountants, attorneys, real estate agents, and more.
His advice is consistently driven by clients' plans and time-tested methods for achieving their unique financial objectives, never swayed by short-term economic or market outlooks.
In essence, Steve's sole mission is to facilitate his clients' enduring financial success, driven solely by their best interests and aspirations.